
   Campus News 发布于2024年6月10日

在2023年的夏天, bet365中文大学 student Abigail Cancel had the opportunity to work with the Pacific Press Publishing Association through an internship organized with the Department of Visual Art, 沟通 & Design. She designed a series of children’s books as well as a booth for the 2023 North American Division Educators’ Convention in Phoenix, Arizona. Department Chair Daniel Weber hopes to continue this partnership with Pacific Press and develop additional internship opportunities for VACD students.

“I didn’t have any 平面设计 experience before starting my freshman year at Andrews, 所以基本上我的整个平面设计之旅都在这里. 这是一个挑战,但也是一个很好的挑战。. 作为她平面设计专业的一部分, she took a course on editorial design where she had the opportunity to work on Envision magazine, an award-winning student-produced magazine created at bet365中文大学 by the VACD.

这段经历激发了她对书籍设计和出版的兴趣, and Weber, 谁是远景杂志的编辑, 代表她向太平洋出版社申请实习机会. 在随后的Zoom采访中, Cancel shared her portfolio with the vice president of marketing at Pacific Press. She learned about the types of projects the team expected and was offered a position. “这非常直接,她解释道, “My responsibilities during my internship were pretty clearly set out from the first interview.”

The internship took place at the Pacific Press headquarters in Nampa, Idaho, 在六月到七月之间的五个星期. A typical day began with group worship followed by team members working on their own projects or attending meetings. The main project Cancel worked on was designing a series of ten children’s board books using existing artwork from a previous series done by Pacific Press.

“This was my first time designing a children’s book and the first time Pacific Press was publishing for that young of an age range, 所以我们做了一些笔记,比如字体和颜色的选择, 插图类型和位置, 页面大小和形状, all of that,” she says. The team also took a trip to a local bookstore to check out the design choices and styles of books written for the same age group as their series.

除了和她的团队一起工作, Cancel独立完成了设计, 编辑给她的插图,使之适合这个系列. She began by creating two designs in different styles for the first book in the series and, 在得到团队成员的认可和反馈后, 继续剩下的九本书. “感觉我就像一个普通的人, if junior, 第一次出勤的队员, 而不是临时实习生,” she shares, noting that she was given her own office to work in and was allowed to take the lead on projects that were primarily hers.

Another major project that Cancel worked on was designing Pacific Press’ booth for the 2023 NAD Educators’ Convention. “太平洋出版社展位的主题是‘上帝的花园’,’ so naturally we chose photos of plants for the signage we created,” she says. This project allowed her to work closely with the Pacific Press in-house 平面设计er and also developed her experience with printing and mounting, as the posters for the booth were much larger than anything Cancel had created before. “I had a bit of fun hiding a couple of little easter eggs for myself in the different pictures chosen for the different categories,” she adds.

除了大会摊位和儿童板书, 塞克斯还在写一本独立的儿童章节书, 创建封面插图以及内部细节. “这实习, 以及我在bet365中文大学出版社的校内工作, definitely solidified for me that book design and typography is the direction that I am most interested in,Cancel说。. She expresses a love for the different aspects of storytelling and the impact of different types of book designs on readers. 出于类似的原因, she is also interested in video game design and has been learning about comic layouts and lettering.

Cancel would recommend an internship with Pacific Press to students who have some experience in the field of 平面设计. She praises the respectful atmosphere and independent nature of the workplace, 认为这有助于培养她对自己能力的信心.

“Pacific Press has expressed a strong interest in having more students from the Visual Art, 沟通 & 设计项目,和他们一起实习,” says Weber, “They were impressed with Abigail’s knowledge and 平面设计 skills and want to have more Andrews students help them through interning.”

The University’s 平面设计 and photography students have participated in a variety of internships, including at corporate offices like Whirlpool and local businesses such as JohnsonRauhoff, a St. 总部设在约瑟夫的广告公司. Students have also completed internships in healthcare settings such as AdventHealth. 韦伯解释说, “We require each Bachelor of Fine Art student specializing in 平面设计 or photography to do at least one internship as part of their academic curriculum and encourage them to do more if possible.”

在这些实习期间, 学生可以获得企业沟通方面的经验, 平面设计, 摄影与公共关系. 它们还提供了建立联系的机会, expand students’ networks in their field of study and can help them obtain jobs after graduation. Students can find resources for possible internships through the VACD department faculty.

To learn more about related programs at bet365中文大学, visit the VACD website.
